Thursday, September 20, 2007

some thoughts on anger management

My son and I sometimes commute home together on the Staten Island Ferry. On Monday evening, somehow the subject of my breakup with his father came up, and we started talking about his feelings at the time. Mostly he was relieved when we broke the news to him that we were separating. In fact, he said his mental reaction was something in the nature of "WOOOHOOO!!" -- which I could see written all over his face. I could also see that he felt guilty feeling so happy about it. That was my silver lining on that very unpleasant day...
Anyway, talking about it brought up all sorts of heat that I didn't realize was still buried inside me, which bothered me a little. Just when you think you've moved on, out pops a renewed sense of outrage at all the betrayals, lies... not going there again.
So, later that evening, Bobby and I went to karate together for maybe the 3rd time since we joined a few weeks ago. Ya know, it's really true - physical outlets really work! I kicked the absolute crap out of that cheating lying bastard! I envisioned his face on the kick pad and POW! Damn that felt good!